
Arrogant impoverish tips

A few days ago the manager of this blog in the sovereign as a lecturer in the majlis study groups on the outskirts of Jakarta, in one lecture I described the ban to conduct self-pride and pride (ujub). Arrogance is the absolute nature of God and God alone belongs only in the hadith says, that pride is the clothing of God who took the goods or the God wear it then God will put him in hell

As a human being versatile because 'khalifah', often act arrogant or boasting. Ujub arrogant and understanding in principle the same is considered himself more than anyone else, only difference is that pride in putting out to others while not displayed ujub and terberrsit only in the liver.

So the authors opinion, arrogant or ujub key is in the heart of each individual person. There are some simple tips that can prevent ourselves from feeling proud of myself this. Among them are;

1. convinced in my heart that God does not see anyone except the level of piety, since piety is the frame of the human alah assessment will not be inaccurate to guess one's faith.

2. Realize that the origins of human events it from the water setets vile and disgusting. Material human events if given the price tag is the origin of the chicken incident is more valuable material origin of the chicken incident. 1 kg of water sperm in a mall would not be sold, but material incident chicken (eggs) market will also be hunted by the people who need it from that we know that is not worth for us to ujub to ourselves.

3. By the time we went we always take the dirt that is in our stomachs, so disgusting when it comes out.

4. At the moment we die, the dead man is of no value, human carcass prices much lower price with a dead tiger skin can still be used for decoration.

For men are not supposed to stay away from nature 'because the phase ujub human creation is despised at the time of her life she was carrying something as vile and he died in a state of abject and worthless. So do not be proud of yourself but remains confident that God will glorify someone not seen it happen but the origins of the side ... I'm so sorry times the moretips goods this time tomorrow moralist, but it was all done let us not fall into the valley of disgrace.


  1. Ass. Gambarnya manis banget hehehe..... aku dah follow sesuai permintaan. and I hope you follow me back. I am waiting for you net time.

  2. saya sudah pasang link anda sebagai teman terbaik saya.
    silahkan kunjungi balik dan follow juga ya..

  3. terimakasih banyak pengetahuannya sobat!!!

  4. administrator moretipsNovember 2, 2009 at 6:57 PM

    #thank's for all my friends, especially 4 dendendiblog please see your link in my blog click here your link

  5. @dendi: link udah aku pasang di di sini silahkan di cek lagi ok

  6. sory bru ku bals komntarnya... tdi baru update artikelll...

  7. salam persahabatan dari edu.... sobatlink udah aku pasang ... silahkan back link ya.

  8. mas edu link sudah terpasang di sini silahkan chek

  9. link blog kamu di page "banner sahabat"link aku kok lom ada ya....

  10. edu: link mu udah aku pasang di portalblogtiara... nanti aku link lagi di blog ku yg satunya ya, ok friend. kalau blog ini masih baru aku khawatir malah blog mu jatuh tersungkur gak naik naik PR-nya, semua ku lakukan karena aku orangnya gak biasa merugikan orang lain he he he tapi kalau memang gak apa apa ya akan aku pasang...gimana???

    aku punya blog dengan kata kunci TIPS KITA lihat dech


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